Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS) Whitepapers

Networks today are no longer a simple group of laptops, PCs and on-premise servers controlled by the IT department. Now we have to contend with cloud services, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scenarios, the Consumerization of IT (CoIT), telecommuters, and hybrid networks.

Simply put, networks aren’t simple anymore, especially when it comes to protecting company data.

Fortunately, Microsoft has a series of eight whitepapers on Rights Management Services (RMS) that can help you wrap your head around the options available for protecting sensitive information.

Title: Microsoft Rights Management services (RMS) whitepapers
Published: 07/22/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 1.52
File size: 30.7 MB
Download URL: Click here to download


  • Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) with Azure Rights Management
    By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to leverage this BYOK capability, enable it and manage your key over the time.
    Bring-Your-Own-Key-with-Azure-RMS.docx (3.7 MB)
  • Configuring Azure RMS with federation on-premises for Office client applications
    This document provides step-by-step information on how to configure and use Azure RMS to perform content protection on your corporate Office document in conjunction with federation on-premises.
    Configure-Azure-RMS-with-federation-for-Office.docx (7.3 MB)
  • Get Usage Logs from Azure Rights Management
    By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to enable and monitor the usage of your Azure Rights Management service’s tenant.
    Get-Usage-Logs-from-Azure-RMS.docx (0.6 MB)
  • Information Protection and Control (IPC) in Microsoft Exchange Online with AD RMS
    This document is intended to provide a better understanding of how to use an on-premises AD RMS infrastructure for the Exchange Online services of the organization’s Office 365 tenant in the Cloud.
    IPC-in-Exchange-Online-with-AD-RMS.docx (1.8 MB)
  • Information Protection and Control (IPC) in Office 365 with Azure Rights Management
    This document is intended to help you preview and evaluate the Azure Rights Management service technology. It contains a brief information on IPC and the Azure Rights Management service that helps you understand what it is, and how it differs from on-premises Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). It provides step-by-step information on how to configure and use the Azure Rights Management service to perform rights protection on your corporate content.
    IPC-in-Office-365-with-Azure-RMS.docx (5.2 MB)
  • Leverage the Mobile Device Extension for AD RMS
    This document provides information about the Mobile Device Extension for AD RMS, and how it can be deployed on top of existing Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2-based AD RMS clusters to support the important devices with mobile RMS-enlightened applications. By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to deploy the Mobile Device Extension, and start using it within your organization to create and consume protected content on all the important devices.
    Leverage-the-Mobile-Device-Extension-for-AD-RMS-on-your-premises-(PS-Scripts).zip (10 KB)
    Leverage-the-Mobile-Device-Extension-for-AD-RMS-on-your-premises.docx (3.9 MB)
  • Leverage the Rights Management Connector for your premises
    By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to deploy the Azure Rights Management service (Azure RMS), install and configure the Rights Management connector, and start using it within your organization to create and consume protected content.
    Leverage-the-RMS-Connector-for-your-premises.docx (5.2 MB)
  • Share protected content with Azure Rights Management
    This document provides information about the Rights Management sharing applications to share protected content on all important devices and the Rights Management for individuals to enable anyone to share protected content.
    Share-protected-content-with-Azure-RMS.docx (2.9 MB)
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Download – Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0

Title: Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0 Documents
Published: 04/22/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 1.0
Files: 6
Download URL: Click here for download


These guides provide an overview of Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) 4.0 and step-by-step guidance for installing AGPM 4.0, managing Group Policy objects (GPOs) by using AGPM 4.0, and planning and deploying AGPM 4.0.


  • Overview of Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management: Overview of AGPM and describes its benefits, how it works, and the next steps for evaluating it. This document is designed for people evaluating AGPM.
    AGPM40_Overview.docx (1.2 MB)
  • Step-by-Step Guide for Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0: This guide describes a sample scenario for installing AGPM and performing Group Policy management by using the Group Policy Management Console and AGPM. Designed for people are evaluating AGPM 4.0 and for Group Policy administrators who are installing AGPM 4.0 or are using AGPM 4.0 for the first time.
    AGPM40_Step-by-Step_Guide.docx (115 KB)
    AGPM40_Step-by-Step_Guide.pdf (3007 KB)
  • Operations Guide for Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0: This guide provides step-by-step instructions for performing tasks by using AGPM 4.0. It includes all of the information in the Help for AGPM. This guide is designed for Group Policy administrators of all levels who are using AGPM 4.0.
    AGPM40_OperationsGuide.docx (177 KB)
    AGPM40_OperationsGuide.pdf (999 KB)
  • Planning Guide for Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0: This guide provides an in-depth description of the processes, procedures, and decisions for planning the deployment of AGPM in a production environment.
    AGPM40_PlanningGuide.docx (173 KB)
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Download – Test Lab Guide – Windows Azure AD

Test Lab Guide: Creating a Windows Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment using DirSync with Password SyncTitle: Test Lab Guide: Creating a Windows Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment using DirSync with Password Sync
Author: Bill Mathers
Published: 01/15/2014
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Pages: 48
Size: 1.8 MB
File name: DirSync_TLG.docx
Download URL: Click here for download


This document will assist IT professionals, administrators, architects, and developers with in creating a test lab that uses Windows Azure Active Directory and Windows Server AD.


  1. Set Up the Configuring the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration Test Lab for Public Cloud Technologies
  2. Sign-up for a Windows Azure 30-Day Trial
  3. Create a Windows Azure AD Tenant
  4. Prepare the Windows Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization
  5. Create Organizational Units and Test Users in Windows Server AD
  6. Download and Install DirSync
  7. Configure DirSync to specific Organizational Units
  8. Run DirSync and Verify Results
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Download – Windows Server 2012 R2 Test Lab Guide

Whitepaper - Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview Test Lab GuideTitle: Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview Test Lab Guide
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Published: 7/17/2013
Filename: Win2012_R2_Preview_TLG.docx
File size: 199 KB
Pages: 33
Price: FREE
Download URL: Click here to download


This Microsoft Test Lab Guide (TLG) provides you with step-by-step instructions to create the Windows Base Configuration test lab, using computers running Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview.

With the resulting test lab environment, you can build test labs based on other Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview-based TLGs from Microsoft, TLG extensions in the TechNet Wiki, or a test lab of your own design that can include Microsoft or non-Microsoft products.

  • For a test lab based on physical computers, you can image the drives for future test labs.
  • For a test lab based on virtual machines, you can create snapshots of the base configuration virtual machines.

This enables you to easily return to the base configuration test lab, where most of the routine infrastructure and networking services have already been configured, so that you can focus on building a test lab for the product, technology, or solution of interest.

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Whitepaper – Test Lab Guide – Demonstrate IPv6

Whitepaper - Test Lab Guide - Demonstrate IPv6Title: Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate IPv6
File name: TLG_Demonstrate_IPv6.doc
Date Published: 02/17/2012
Language: English
File size: 280 KB
Pages: 24
Version: 1.1

Create a test lab to demonstrate IPv6 connectivity with a simulated multi-subnet intranet and IPv4 Internet.


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is designed to solve many of the problems of the current version of IP (known as IPv4) such as address depletion, autoconfiguration, extensibility, and restoration of end-to-end connectivity. Its use will also expand the capabilities of the Internet and enable a variety of valuable and exciting scenarios, including peer-to-peer and mobile applications. This paper contains an introduction to IPv6 and step-by-step instructions for extending the Base Configuration test lab to demonstrate IPv6 functionality and connectivity in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Test Lab Overview

In this test lab, IPv6 connectivity is deployed with:

  • One computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named DC1 that is configured as an intranet domain controller, Domain Name System (DNS) server, DHCP server, enterprise root certification authority (CA), and an IPv6 router.
  • One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named EDGE1 that is configured as a 6to4 relay.
  • One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named APP1 that is configured as a general application server.
  • One standalone server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named INET1 that is configured as an Internet DHCP server, DNS server, and Web server.
  • One roaming member client computer running Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate named CLIENT1.

Test Lab Subnets

The IPv6 test lab consists of three subnets that simulate the following:

  • The Internet (
  • An intranet subnet named Corpnet (, separated from the Internet by EDGE1.
  • An additional intranet subnet named Corpnet2 (, separated from the Corpnet subnet by DC1.

Computers on each subnet connect using a hub or switch.


This test lab guide demonstrates the following:

  • The default behavior of IPv6 and connectivity on an IPv4-only intranet
  • IPv6-based intranet connectivity using the Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)
  • IPv6-based intranet connectivity using native IPv6 addressing
  • IPv6 connectivity across a simulated IPv4-only Internet using 6to4

Hardware and Software Requirements

The following are required components of the test lab:

  • The product disc or files for Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • The product disc or files for Windows 7.
  • Four computers that meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition. Two of these computers have two network adapters installed.
  • One computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate.
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Download – WMS 2011 Planning Guide

Microsoft Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 Planning GuideTitle: Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 – Planning Guide
File name: Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 – Planning Guide.doc
Date Published: 02/24/2012
Language: English
File size: 872 KB
Pages: 43
Version: 2.0


Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 is the second version of a Windows product primarily designed for educational institutions for use in classrooms, labs, and libraries, that allows multiple users to simultaneously share one computer. Users have their own independent and familiar Windows computing experience, using their own monitor, keyboard and mouse directly connected to the host computer. Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 enables more users to access technology at a lower total cost of ownership.

The Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 Planning Guide provides assistance in preparing to purchase and deploy the server and thin clients for the solution into your environment and considerations that need to be made before deployment.

The considerations addressed in this document include the following:

  • How to Buy MultiPoint Server
  • Definition of MultiPoint Server Stations
  • Selecting Hardware for Your MultiPoint Server System
  • Hardware Requirements and Performance Recommendations
  • Variables Affecting MultiPoint Server System Performance
  • MultiPoint Server Site Planning
  • Network Considerations and User Accounts
  • Storing Files with MultiPoint Server
  • Supported Languages
  • MultiPoint Server Virtualization Support
  • Microsoft RemoteFX
  • Application Considerations
  • MultiPoint Server Predeployment Checklist

Props: @ericligman

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Whitepaper – Migrating SBS 2003 to 2011 Essentials

Whitepaper title: Migrating Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
File name: A_Migrate2003.doc
Date Published: 04/27/2011
Language: English
File size: 422 KB
Pages: 44
Version: 11.04.25
Download URL: Click here


This guide explains how to install Windows SBS 2011 Essentials in migration mode on a new server, and then migrate the settings and data from the old server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003 to the new server that is running Windows SBS 2011 Essentials. This guide also helps you demote and remove your old server from the network after you finish the migration process.

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Whitepaper – SBS 2003 to 2011 Migration Doc

Whitepaper title: Migrate to Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard from Windows Small Business Server 2003
File name: SBS7_Migrate2003.doc
Date Published: 01/12/2011
Language: English
File size: 724 KB
Pages: 83
Version: 1.0
Download URL: Click here


This guide explains how to install Windows SBS 2011 Standard in Migration Mode on a new server, and then migrate the settings and data from the old server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003 to the new server that is running Windows SBS 2011 Standard. This guide also helps you demote and remove your old server from the network after you finish the migration process.

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Whitepaper – VHD Getting Started Guide

Picture of a giant hard driveWhitepaper Title: VHD Getting Started Guide
File name: VHD Getting Started Guide.docx
Data Published: May 27, 2010
Language: English
File size: 1.13 MB
Pages: 82
Download URL: Click here

This guide provides an introduction to virtual hard disks (VHDs) in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. It includes an overview of technologies that you use to configure VHDs, as well as procedures to help guide you through deploying VHDs.


  • Virtual Hard Disks in Windows Server 2008 R2 & Windows 7
  • What’s New in Virtual Hard Disks
  • Getting Started with Virtual Hard Disks
  • Introduction to Virtual Hard Disks
  • How to Perform Common Tasks
  • Appendix: Tools, Scripts and APIs
  • FAQ: Virtual Hard Disks in Windows 7
  • Power Management for Network Devices in Windows 7
  • What’s New in Power Management for Network Devices

Source: Keith Combs’ Blog

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Downloads – 2008 R2 Netsh Technical Reference

Command Prompt Title: Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server
Netsh Technical Reference
Author: James McIllece, Brit Weston, Jim Holtzman, Greg Lindsay, Corey Plett, Dave Bishop, Karen Carncross
Date Published: May 2010, Microsoft Corporation
File size: 869 KB 
Format: CHM file (help file) 
Download URL:


This document provides a comprehensive command reference for networking technologies such as:

  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • Network Policy Server (NPS)
  • Network Access Protection (NAP)
  • Network Tracing
  • Routing and Remote Access
  • And other technologies for which there are netsh commands.

Screenshot of 2008 R2 Netsh Technical Reference

Netsh commands offer an alternative to configuring network technologies using the Windows interface. You can run netsh commands in batch files and scripts, and you can run them from the netsh prompt by manually typing commands. You can use netsh commands to configure both local and remote computers.

Props: Found via Keith Combs’ blog

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