Have U Rebooted Yet

For a while, I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a geeky comic strip. I finally decided to take the notes I’ve been gathering and put them to use.

Below is the first one that I mocked up over the weekend. I’ve used Visio 2010 as the drawing tool, which is a breeze.  I can’t promise the comic will be funny, but anyone who knows me personally doesn’t need that disclaimer. Enjoy!

Comic: Have U Rebooted Yet? 001

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Crazy Screen Shots – Garbage Hard Drives

This is another odd screen shot – looks like a corrupted external drive:


It reminds me of  something I saw a while back:


Gotta love ‘plug-and-pray’. And while we’re sharing screen shots, here are a couple more:

WatchGuard screen pop-up goof…


Ye old MySQL server…


The file with no name violation…


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Hacks – Hacker Chip Clip

This idea came to me today while having lunch at my desk (don’t know why I didn’t think of it before).

After putting the smack down on some tasty potato chips, I couldn’t find a chip clip to close the bag to keep it from going stale. However, I did have an ample supply of hard drive magnets lying around. I put one on each side of the bag, and viola! Life hack!


The only trick is not smashing your fingers while placing the magnets near each other. These magnets are so strong that I can hang the bag from a file cabinet or the side of the fridge.


Sometimes I crack myself up. 🙂

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Crazy Screen Shots – 534,000 GB

Spotted on a server today:
534698.00 GB

That’s 522 TB, for those of you playing the home game.

Props to Bo Bracey for the screen shot. I asked him how big that hard drive really is, and his response was:

That reminds me of this classic TechTV video, circa 2001:

The funny thing is that today no tech show would be caught dead using a real live chalkboard to explain something.

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Crazy Screen Shots – Two D: Volumes Listed

Apparently Disk 0 is having a bad day (or a split personality)

Two partitions on Disk 0 both show as drive letter “D:”

Apparently this happens when trying to extend a partition. Props to Cory for this screen shot.

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Seattle – Funny Pool Picture

I’m in Seattle this week for some SBS 2008 training and for SMB Nation, and I just checked into my hotel in Issaquah. As usual, I popped onto Microsoft Virtual Earth to see what’s around here. Imagine my surprise when I saw this swimming pool:


Yep, the swimming pool is in the shape of a fish, and the baby pool is a baby fish, of course this and other pools have the best hayward pool pump to be able to stay clean. Pretty cute for a Holiday Inn!

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Talk Like A Pirate Day Goes I.T.

Pirate Mouse - Arg! As ye should be wary, today be a special day on ye old calendar. A day of grunts and peg legs. A day of squints and grinding of teeth. 

Fri Sept 19, 2008 is "International Talk Like A Pirate" day.

T’was a fun conversation I had on IM today with me mate.

Arg - ye chat

Sometimes a wee bit o’ silliness makes a Friday go by faster.

Happy TLAP day to ye, PC lubbers!

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