Updated OS Version Queries for WMI Filters

I had a request in the comments to update the WMI filter page to include Windows Server 2019. As of Feb 13, 2020, the WMI filter list is up to date.

In addition to adding the 2019 WMI filter values, I also reformatted the page to make it a bit easier to find a particular OS. Here’s the link:


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Create Hyperlink to Location Inside PDF

Did you know that you can create an HTML hyperlink to a specific page or bookmark inside a PDF file?


Linking Your Way to Better Marketing: A Guide to Creating Hyperlinks to Locations Inside PDFs

PDFs are one of the most popular formats for sharing documents online. They are widely used for marketing materials, such as brochures, whitepapers, and e-books. However, sometimes, it can be challenging to navigate a lengthy PDF document to find the information you need. Luckily, there is a simple solution to this problem: hyperlinking. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create hyperlinks to locations inside PDFs and how you can use this technique to boost your marketing efforts.

Step 1: Identify the location you want to link to

The first step is to determine the location inside the PDF that you want to link to. This could be a particular page, section, image, or even a specific sentence. Once you have identified the location, you need to make a note of its page number and the exact location on the page (e.g., top, bottom, middle).

Step 2: Create the hyperlink

Once you have identified the location, you can create the hyperlink. Here’s how:

Open the PDF document in Adobe Acrobat.
Select the text or image that you want to turn into a hyperlink.
Right-click on the selection and choose “Create Link.”
In the Create Link dialog box, select “Page” from the Link Type drop-down menu.
Enter the page number and the exact location on the page where you want the link to take you.
Click “OK” to save the link.
Step 3: Test the hyperlink

Before you start using the hyperlink in your marketing materials, it’s crucial to test it to make sure it’s working correctly. Click on the link to see if it takes you to the correct location inside the PDF. If it doesn’t work correctly, go back to step two and check that you’ve entered the correct page number and location.

Using Hyperlinks in Your Marketing Materials

Now that you know how to create hyperlinks to locations inside PDFs let’s discuss how you can use this technique in your marketing materials.

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E-books: If you’re creating an e-book for your business, use hyperlinks to make it easy for readers to navigate the document. For example, you could include a table of contents at the beginning of the e-book with hyperlinks to each chapter.

Brochures: Use hyperlinks in your brochures to link to relevant sections on your website or to other marketing materials. For example, you could include a link to a product page on your website or to a case study that demonstrates the effectiveness of your product or service.

Whitepapers: Similar to e-books, use hyperlinks in your whitepapers to make it easy for readers to navigate the document. You could include a table of contents with hyperlinks to each section of the whitepaper.

Final Thoughts

Hyperlinking to locations inside PDFs is a simple yet effective technique that can help improve the user experience of your marketing materials, if you want more information click this link here. By making it easy for your audience to find the information they need, you can increase engagement, build trust, and ultimately boost your business’s success.

Source: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters.pdf

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Quick Tip – Get SharePoint Build Version with PowerShell

Here’s a quick one-liner in PowerShell to check the SharePoint patch level / build version.


The output will be in table form and will include:

  • Major (ex. 15)
  • Minor (ex. 0)
  • Build (ex. 5189)
  • Revision (ex. 1000)

To reference the build number (for checking patch levels) you can use the following PowerShell one-liner:


Last one-liner to get all of the properties concatenated together (ex. 15.0.5189.1000):

If you are a master in programing software, One fear you have is to have a shut down with cause in a short circuit.


As consumer geeks, the technological aspects of the things we buy or the services we ask for must be adapted to our needs, so it is always good to have pages like UK Meds that always know how to satisfy the most incisive customer with queries.

(Get-SPFarm).BuildVersion -Join ‘.’

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Download – Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2016

Title: Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Published: 04/9/2018
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 13.0.5026.0 
File size: 774.1 MB
File name: SQLServer2016SP2-KB4052908-x64-ENU.exe
Download URL: Click here to download


Microsoft SQL Server 2016 service packs are cumulative updates and upgrade all https://slotspie.ca/ editions and service levels of SQL Server 2016 SP1 to SP2. This service pack contains up to and including SQL Server 2016 SP1 Cumulative Update 8 (CU8).

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Download – Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure

ebook_dev_azureTitle: The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure, Second Edition
Published: 2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
File size: 3.21 MB
Pages: 57
File name: Azure_Developer_Guide_eBook.pdf
Download URL: Click here to download


The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure was written to help you on your journey to the cloud, whether you’re just considering making the move, or you’ve already decided and are underway.

This e-book was written by developers for developers. And it is specifically meant to give you, as a developer, a fundamental knowledge of what Azure is all about, what it offers you and your organization, and how to take advantage of it all.

Using Microsoft Azure for Marketing

Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the exciting world of marketing and explore how Microsoft Azure can be a game-changer for your marketing campaigns. In today’s digital era, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audience. Let’s discover how leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Azure can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights.

1. Harnessing Data Insights

One of the greatest advantages of using Microsoft Azure for marketing is its ability to provide valuable data insights. With Azure’s advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can gain a deep understanding of your target audience’s preferences, behavior, and demographics.

By analyzing social media data, you can identify trends, sentiments, and consumer patterns, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly. Azure’s powerful data processing capabilities empower you to transform raw data into actionable insights, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

2. Personalized Customer Experiences

In the marketing world, personalization is key to capturing and retaining customer attention. Microsoft Azure enables you to deliver highly personalized experiences to your target audience across various social media platforms.

With Azure’s scalable infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI) services, you can create dynamic content that resonates with individual users. By leveraging Azure’s cognitive services, such as text and image recognition, you can analyze user-generated content and deliver tailored recommendations, promotions, and advertisements.

3. Enhanced Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is a vital component of any successful marketing strategy. Microsoft Azure offers a range of tools and services that can optimize your social media advertising efforts.

Azure’s machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most effective ad placements, optimal posting times, and target audience segments. This allows you to allocate your marketing budget more efficiently and achieve higher conversion rates.

4. Seamless Campaign Management

Managing marketing campaigns across multiple social media platforms can be a daunting task. However, with Microsoft Azure, you can streamline your campaign management process.

Azure’s cloud-based infrastructure provides a centralized platform where you can create, monitor, and track your marketing campaigns in real-time. From scheduling posts to analyzing campaign performance, Azure simplifies the complex task of managing social media marketing efforts, freeing up valuable time and resources.

5. Scalability and Reliability

As your business grows, so does the need for scalable and reliable marketing solutions. Microsoft Azure offers a robust and flexible infrastructure that can adapt to your evolving marketing requirements.

Azure’s cloud-based services allow you to scale your marketing campaigns effortlessly, ensuring that your social media presence can handle increased traffic and engagement. With Azure’s reliable infrastructure, you can rest assured that your marketing efforts will run smoothly without interruptions.

In conclusion, utilizing Microsoft Azure for marketing can be the key to unlocking the marketing heaven for your business. By harnessing data insights, delivering personalized experiences, optimizing social media advertising, streamlining campaign management, and leveraging scalability and reliability, Azure empowers you to reach new heights in your marketing endeavors.

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Mailbag – Brute Forcing a Missing BitLocker Recovery Key

So, a blog reader tracked me down on the interwebs in a panic. He had a forum question and one of my blog posts seemed to be headed in the general direction of his desired answer.

Instead of printing or saving the numeric BitLocker Recovery Key to a TXT file, the user wrote it down on a piece of paper.

Unfortunately, and as fate would have it, one of the number groups was mistakenly written only 5-digits long. When he later tried to unlock the USB drive that was secured with BitLocker, Windows popped up an error because the key was wrong.

He hoped there was some easy way to show the Recovery Key via PowerShell (which there is, but only if the drive was unlocked). And he couldn’t unlock the USB drive without the Recovery Key. It’s the classic ‘chicken or the egg’ scenario.


Since the drive was locked, PowerShell couldn’t display the BitLocker recovery key, and there were very few options left.

If you’re not super-familiar with BitLocker Recovery Keys, they follow this format:

  • There are 8 groups of numbers
  • Each group has exactly 6 digits (no more, no less)
  • The digits can range from 0 through 9
  • There are no letters
  • There are no special characters

So, a fake BitLocker recovery key would be arranged like this:

8 groups x 6 digits each = 48 digits total (not including the dashes).

In the case of our person needing help, he was missing the 5th group of digits. So, if everything he knew of the key was changed into letters, we could present it like this:


In other words, he was missing the “E’s” in the example above.

There are only 1 million combinations between 000000 – 999999

PowerShell would need to try and loop through each possible combination of ###### like this:


  …all the way down to…



First, we need the key groups with the missing digit(s). Below is a BitLocker Recovery Key broken into the 8 groups:

  1. 630564
  2. 061798
  3. 390588
  4. 707146
  5. – – missing / incomplete – –
  6. 631521
  7. 598389
  8. 222321

Yes, this is a real BitLocker Key. And, no, this isn’t the key from the user in question. It’s from a brand new USB flash drive that I just encrypted.

In plain English, we need PowerShell to take Groups 1-4, insert the dashes, insert 000001, append Groups 6-8 with the dashes, then try to unlock the drive.

If that key fails, do it again, but use 000002 in the middle (and so on, and so on) until the drive unlocks.

It was a bit frustrating to figure out the right syntax, but I was finally able to write a PowerShell script to plow through the possible combinations. The script now works as expected, effectively brute-forcing the drive unlock.


  • There is no crypto involved.
  • This is exactly the same logic as opening a combination padlock
    (you just try all combinations until it unlocks).
  • At a speed of 7 guesses per second, it takes about 40 hours to go through all 1,000,000 possible combinations of ######.
  • The script could be modified to guess more of the Recovery Key, but each additional digit would increase the attack / break time by 10x:
    • 7 digits would require 400 hours.
    • 8 digits would require 4,000 hours.
    • 12 digits (######-######) would take 40 million hours.
    • 48 digits would be practically infinity.
  • The practical benefit is if you’re missing 1-6 digits (and know where those digits go in the Recovery Key).

Note: Obviously, this is not meant to penetrate BitLocker. It’s just an edge-case tool where you know that one group of 6 numbers is missing or incomplete. If you’re ever in that situation yourself, Microsoft is certainly not going to help you.


Below is a screen shot of the PowerShell code (with line numbers).


Here is the script actively trying to find the correct fifth group of digits:


And here’s what it looks like after finishing successfully:

bitlocker recovery key

Yes, it really is that boring.

So I guess it’s time to give you the PowerShell code so you can test this IN YOUR OWN LAB ENVIRONMENT ONLY!


  1. Open the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
      (Right-click the PowerShell icon, click Run ISE as Administrator,
       click Yes if prompted by User Account Control).
  2. Copy everything in the box labeled “Actual PowerShell Code” below.
  3. Paste that text into Power Shell ISE window (the white window on top, not the blue window on the bottom)
  4. Replace "630564-061798-390588-707146-" on Line #7 with your first known groups of 6 digits. Make sure to include the dashes.

    Note: If you’re missing the first group of 6 numbers (AAAAAA) change line #7 to
    $FirstGroup = ""

  5. Enter the remaining known groups of digits and dashes on Line #11.

    Note: If you’re missing the last group of 6 numbers (HHHHHH) change line #7 to
    $LastGroup = ""

  6. Make sure your drive letter for the USB drive is correct on Line #29 & Line #48
  7. Hit F5 to run
  8. Sit back and watch it go. The script will stop when the drive is unlocked.

Note: If you want to stop the script prematurely you can hit Ctrl-C or the red Stop button in ISE.


First – some caveats:

  • This script is for BitLocker To Go (or hard drives that are connected to an already running operating system). If your C: drive is the one that is locked, take it out and slave it off of another functioning PC.
  • You have to change the drive letter in the script to match your drive (see Step 6 above).
  • And you have to know at least 42 of the 48 digits of the BitLocker Recovery Key.

Happy experimenting!

#   The PowerShell Script tries to determine the recovery key by brute-forcing an unlock
#   of a BitLockered drive. This script only works if you’re missing one of the 6-digit
#   groups of numbers in the recovery key.

#   First group of Recovery Key characters, followed by a hyphen, in quotation marks
#   Example: "630564-061798-390588-707146-"
    $FirstGroup = "630564-061798-390588-707146-"

#   Last group of characters, preceded, in quotation marks
#   Example: "-631521-598389-222321"
    $LastGroup = "-631521-598389-222321"

# Loop through the set of numbers
# Note: You can change the numbers from 1..100000 to a smaller range if you like
        ForEach ($MiddleGroup in 0..999999)

            # Adds Leading Zeros
                $Leading = $MiddleGroup.ToString("000000")

            # Concatenates the Recovery Key
                $Key = "$FirstGroup$Leading$LastGroup"

            # Try to unlock the drive
                .\manage-bde.exe -unlock F: -recoverypassword $Key >$null

            # Get the status of the drive
                $Status = Get-BitlockerVolume -MountPoint "F:"
            # Write the currently-guessed Recovery Key to Screen
                Write-Host $Key

            # Check disk space of drive, if capacity equals "0" that means drive is still locked
            # If capacity is not equal to "0", that means the drive is now unlocked
                If ($Status.CapacityGB -ne "0") {Break}
# Output when successful
    Write-Host "Drive successfully unlocked with the following Recovery Key:"
    Write-Host "   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |  8   " -BackgroundColor "Yellow" -ForegroundColor "Black"
    Write-Host $Key -Back "Yellow" -Fore "Black"
    Write-Host "(You should write this down immediately!)"
    Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "F:"

If you have questions, you can usually find me on Twitter: @timbarrett

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Download – Group Policy Settings for Win 10 Server 2016

Title: Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows and Windows Server
Published: 04/17/2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: October 2016
File size: 698 KB
File name: Windows10andWindowsServer2016PolicySettings.xlsx
Download URL: Click here to download


This spreadsheet lists the policy settings for computer and user configurations that are included in the Administrative template files (.admx and .adml) delivered with Windows 10, version 1703.

These files are used to expose policy settings when you use the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) to edit Group Policy Objects (GPOs).

The policy settings included in this spreadsheet also cover:

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2003 with SP2
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista with SP1
  • Windows XP Professional with SP2 or earlier service packs
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 with SP5 or earlier service packs
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Download – Linux Integration Services 4.1 for Hyper-V

Title: Linux Integration Services Version 4.1 for Hyper-V
Published: 02/21/2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 4.1
File size: 202 MB
Download URL: Click here to download


A set of drivers that enable synthetic device support in supported Linux virtual machines under Hyper-V. See the Details section of this page for a link to more information about the latest Linux Integration Services (LIS) availability and supported distributions.


  • Expanded Releases: now applicable to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Oracle Linux with Red Hat Compatible Kernel versions 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.8, 7.2, and 7.3
  • Hyper-V Sockets
  • Manual Memory Resize
  • lsvmbus
  • Uninstallation scripts
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Download – Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit

Title: Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit
Published: 02/10/2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 9.6
File size: 144 MB
Download URL: Click here to download


The Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit (MAP) is an agentless, automated, multi-product planning and assessment tool for quicker and easier desktop, server and cloud migrations.

Personally, I prefer the abbreviation MAPT instead of MAP (because of confusion with the Microsoft Action Pack), but Microsoft makes the rules up as they go.

MAP provides detailed readiness assessment reports and executive proposals with extensive hardware and software information, and actionable recommendations to help organizations accelerate their IT infrastructure planning process, and gather more detail on assets that reside within their current environment. MAP also provides server utilization data for Hyper-V server virtualization planning; identifying server placements, and performing virtualization candidate assessments. Learn more.

Microsoft Assessment and Casinos: Using Technology to Improve Gambling Operations

Casinos and gambling operations can be complex and multifaceted, with numerous systems and processes in place to ensure smooth and efficient operations like used in nye nettcasinoer. With the help of Microsoft Assessment, casinos can use technology to improve various aspects of their business, from customer service to financial management.

One area where Microsoft Assessment can be particularly useful for casinos is in the realm of customer service. With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, casinos can analyze customer data and identify patterns and trends that can help them improve the overall customer experience. For example, AI-powered chatbots can be used to assist customers with inquiries and provide personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

In addition to customer service, Microsoft Assessment can also help casinos with financial management. With tools like Microsoft Excel and Power BI, casinos can track and analyze their financial data in real-time, allowing them to make informed decisions about their operations. This can include everything from analyzing revenue streams to identifying areas for cost-saving measures.

Overall, Microsoft Assessment is a powerful tool for casinos looking to improve their operations and stay competitive in the industry. By harnessing the power of technology, casinos can streamline their processes, enhance the customer experience, and make better-informed decisions about their business.

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Download – SharePoint Online Management Shell

Title: SharePoint Online Management Shell
Published: 01/31/2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 16.0.6112.1200
File size: 2.4 MB
Download URL: Click here to download


The SharePoint Online Management Shell has a new Windows PowerShell module that lets O365 administrators manage their SharePoint Online subscription using PowerShell. The focus is around site collection management.

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