Download – Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0

Title: Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0 Documents
Published: 04/22/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 1.0
Files: 6
Download URL: Click here for download


These guides provide an overview of Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) 4.0 and step-by-step guidance for installing AGPM 4.0, managing Group Policy objects (GPOs) by using AGPM 4.0, and planning and deploying AGPM 4.0.


  • Overview of Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management: Overview of AGPM and describes its benefits, how it works, and the next steps for evaluating it. This document is designed for people evaluating AGPM.
    AGPM40_Overview.docx (1.2 MB)
  • Step-by-Step Guide for Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0: This guide describes a sample scenario for installing AGPM and performing Group Policy management by using the Group Policy Management Console and AGPM. Designed for people are evaluating AGPM 4.0 and for Group Policy administrators who are installing AGPM 4.0 or are using AGPM 4.0 for the first time.
    AGPM40_Step-by-Step_Guide.docx (115 KB)
    AGPM40_Step-by-Step_Guide.pdf (3007 KB)
  • Operations Guide for Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0: This guide provides step-by-step instructions for performing tasks by using AGPM 4.0. It includes all of the information in the Help for AGPM. This guide is designed for Group Policy administrators of all levels who are using AGPM 4.0.
    AGPM40_OperationsGuide.docx (177 KB)
    AGPM40_OperationsGuide.pdf (999 KB)
  • Planning Guide for Advanced Group Policy Management 4.0: This guide provides an in-depth description of the processes, procedures, and decisions for planning the deployment of AGPM in a production environment.
    AGPM40_PlanningGuide.docx (173 KB)
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