Tips for eating well

The recommendations in the Australian dietary guidelines and Australian guide to healthy eating help us choose foods for good health and to reduce our risk of chronic health problems. Try out ikaria lean belly juice.

If we are carrying extra weight, the Australian dietary guidelines can also help us lose weight. They steer us towards foods that are high in nutrients but lower in kilojoules. These choices are nutrient dense but less energy dense and helpful for both achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. This is how
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People wanting to lose weight will also find this information useful for planning meals and snacks. Following the recommended number of serves from the five food groups and avoiding the discretionary foods will result in a gradual but healthy weight loss for most people. However, some people, particularly younger men and people who are taller than average or more active, may need additional serves of the five food groups. Try out the best alpine ice hack.

You can also check by taking the ‘Are you eating for health?’ quiz in the Dietary guidelines summary booklet.

Eating regularly

It’s essential for weight control and especially weight loss, to recognise and act on the feedback your body gives you about when and how much you need to eat. However it’s also important to aim for a regular eating pattern of meals, or meals and mid meals.

A planned pattern of eating is more likely to include the recommended number of serves from the five food groups. A spontaneous, unstructured eating pattern is more likely to include too many discretionary foods which means too much saturated fat, added sugars, added salt and kilojoules at the expense of fibre and important nutrients. Take a look to these alpilean reviews.

Don’t skip breakfast?

Breakfast skippers are more likely to be tempted by unplanned discretionary choices during the morning and large serves at the next meal or snack. Just think of how yummy those large baked muffins look at morning tea if you’ve missed breakfast!

People who regularly eat a breakfast based on wholegrain cereal or bread, low fat milk or yogurt and maybe some fruit or vegetables are much more likely to be eating well and lose weight than those who skip breakfast. Learn more about metaboost connection.

Eat with other people not TV

We also know that people who eat with others and eat at the dining table, are more likely to eat regularly and eat well than those who eat alone or in front of the TV. Meals with others tend to include more foods from the five food groups. For example, people often report that they can’t be bothered cooking vegetables just for themselves.

Television watching is associated with eating more discretionary choices like take-away or convenience foods and fewer foods from the five foods. It also makes it much more difficult to recognise and respond to our body’s signals about hunger and satiety.

Good meal planning and making healthy choices can sometimes be tricky but a few useful tips can make it easier.

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Office 2010 Hits the Streets – Time to Rock

Office 2010 Retail Package - Professional Version Today (June 15, 2010) Microsoft Office 2010 hit retail availability, and Microsoft is dropping $80 million in advertising to spread the word. The look of the new ad campaign is pretty different from the previous versions of Office. It basically shows happy people on light colored backgrounds with big bold text. Ho hum.

I don’t know if I like the ads, but I sure do like Office 2010. I’ve been running it in beta since May 2009. I jumped on the RTM bits when they went live and Office 2010 is really solid. Dare I say, “rock solid”. I don’t use spreadsheets with 1.5 million rows or anything, so I stuck with the 32-bit edition of Office 2010 even though I run 64-bit Windows 7. The performance is amazing.

Not to be a fanboy or anything, but Windows 7 with Office 2010 really is the Dynamic Duo. Not since I ditched Windows 3.1 for Windows 95 have I been this impressed with Microsoft’s products. Today we delivered some new HP desktops with Intel i5 and i7 processors, and the performance was jaw dropping for the client… literally, no exaggeration. They stood slack-jawed looking at the speed of the new machines.

There probably won’t be a ton of Office 2007 to 2010 migrations (unless clients have Software Assurance). But seriously, if you or your clients are running XP with Office XP or Office 2003, I’ve got one thing to say:

Good enough ain’t good enough anymore.”

Don’t take my word for it. Download a FREE trial and go check out Windows 7 and Office 2010 and see for yourself.

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