SMB MVP Community Roadshow Starts 6/1/2011

An international tour for SMB IT Pros is about to start rolling, and the first stop on the tour is in Cincinnati, Ohio next week.

Title: SMB MVP Community Roadshow Sponsored by HP and Microsoft
Date: Wednesday June 1, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Eastern
Venue: Cincinnati State – Evendale
Address: 10110 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45241
Cost: FREE

Registration URL for Cincinnati:


  • SBS 2011 Standard
  • SBS 2011 Essentials
  • Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials
  • Windows MultiPoint Server 2011

Some of the MVPs presenting / attending:

  • Amy Babinchak
  • Jeff Middleton
  • Kevin Royalty
  • Tim Barrett
  • Possibly more! Smile

This is the first stop on a HUGE tour that will be hitting locations in the USA, Canada, Europe and down under in Australia! The tour will be coming to Louisville as well – more news on that date and time soon.

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Whitepaper – Migrating SBS 2003 to 2011 Essentials

Whitepaper title: Migrating Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
File name: A_Migrate2003.doc
Date Published: 04/27/2011
Language: English
File size: 422 KB
Pages: 44
Version: 11.04.25
Download URL: Click here


This guide explains how to install Windows SBS 2011 Essentials in migration mode on a new server, and then migrate the settings and data from the old server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003 to the new server that is running Windows SBS 2011 Essentials. This guide also helps you demote and remove your old server from the network after you finish the migration process.

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Holistic Nutrition: What Is It and Why Is It Important?  

Lately, the world seems to be going crazy about nutrition and healthy eating. Every week there is a new shocking breakthrough. The world has discovered a new superfood, previously known unhealthy foods are now healthy, or another ‘guaranteed’ life-changing diet has been discovered. Read more about ikaria lean belly juice.

Please don’t get me wrong; I am happy to see more people interested and curious about nutrition. But, like you, I have found myself getting confused and overwhelmed. How do I even keep track of the “right” and “wrong” foods?

Then some people speak of these old golden rules:

  • “A little bit of everything is the best way to go!” or
  • “Eat everything your body asks for; just aim for balance”

But let’s be honest; this advice does not work for most of us.

Let’s look at why being healthy is often so difficult, what holistic nutrition is and how to include it in your everyday life. This is the best alpine ice hack.

Why is Living a Healthy Life So Difficult?

According to my experience, some of the significant reasons you might struggle to live a healthy life are:

  • You are stressed, tired and overstimulated.
  • You are unsatisfied with your job, relationships and the city you live in.
  • You prioritise your money and career above cultivating friendships.
  • You are not spending time in nature or moving your body.
  • You might smoke or consume too much alcohol or caffeine.

If you’re struggling with depression or stress, yoga can help! Read more here:  Check these alpilean reviews.

  • Yoga for Depression: How Can Yoga Help?
  • 7 Yogic Self-Care Rituals for Anxiety, Burnout & Stress Relief

Get your free copy of the Yogi’s Guide to Plant-Based Protein E-book.

How can you make living a healthy life easier?

It is crucial to take a close, honest look at the elements contributing to your wellness and carefully analyse them. Do this before you move on to yet another diet.

The following questions can help you identify what factors contribute to your health: 

  • What do you eat when you’re stressed?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • Do you have time to cook?
  • How healthy are the people around you?
  • Do you have easy access to healthy foods?

The answers to these questions will clarify your habits and challenges. As the saying goes, “The first step toward change is awareness.” After analysing your answers, identify what will nourish you mentally and physically.

This is the core of what is referred to as “holistic nutrition.”

Healthy Life with Holistic Nutrition

What is Holistic Nutrition?

In simple terms, holistic nutrition is about eating for your mind, body and soul.

Eating healthy is easy when you approach it with a holistic view—considering all aspects, such as your mind, emotions, education, community and environment.

You don’t have to get divorced, move to another country, find another job or new friends before you can achieve and maintain your ideal weight. But, to find the ideal diet that enables you to be healthy long term, you need to look at the bigger picture and include all aspects of holistic nutrition.

How to include holistic nutrition into your life

When I talk about holistic nutrition, you should consider the following:

  • A diet that is in line with the environment and nature.
  • A diet that includes foods that don’t harm other living beings.
  • A diet in which you focus on consuming foods that nourish and support your body.

A holistic diet should consist of at least 85% plant-based food sources. The other 15% can be animal products such as eggs or organic dairy products. Research shows that most people don’t need meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Plant-based proteins contain less saturated fats and cancer-promoting chemicals, and more fibre and micronutrients than animal proteins. With a well-balanced diet, you can get all your nutrient requirements by eating mainly plant-based.

Protein Requirement Per Day
How Much Protein Do We Need

In the last decade, “new” science has revealed principles that have always been clear in ancient wisdom and oriental medicines like Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine. These principles suggest that nutrition and diet should be approached according to the individual, as everybody thrives on a different diet. There are many universal rules in healthy nutrition, but because we’re all different, a “healthy diet” for me, will not necessarily be the best option for you.

This is another crucial element of holistic nutrition—individualising. One size does not fit all.

Let’s Recap!

Holistic nutrition is the concept that health embraces many elements like community, friends, emotional health, family, education, occupational satisfaction, and a healthy diet. Plus, since every individual has different needs, nutrition should be individualized.

Hopefully, you’ve also learned that it is always better to approach a problem from various angles. Often, the solution is a combination of minor adjustments to each element involved in the issue.

A holistic approach is the only way to solve this.

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Tips for eating well

The recommendations in the Australian dietary guidelines and Australian guide to healthy eating help us choose foods for good health and to reduce our risk of chronic health problems. Try out ikaria lean belly juice.

If we are carrying extra weight, the Australian dietary guidelines can also help us lose weight. They steer us towards foods that are high in nutrients but lower in kilojoules. These choices are nutrient dense but less energy dense and helpful for both achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. This is how
prodentim works.

People wanting to lose weight will also find this information useful for planning meals and snacks. Following the recommended number of serves from the five food groups and avoiding the discretionary foods will result in a gradual but healthy weight loss for most people. However, some people, particularly younger men and people who are taller than average or more active, may need additional serves of the five food groups. Try out the best alpine ice hack.

You can also check by taking the ‘Are you eating for health?’ quiz in the Dietary guidelines summary booklet.

Eating regularly

It’s essential for weight control and especially weight loss, to recognise and act on the feedback your body gives you about when and how much you need to eat. However it’s also important to aim for a regular eating pattern of meals, or meals and mid meals.

A planned pattern of eating is more likely to include the recommended number of serves from the five food groups. A spontaneous, unstructured eating pattern is more likely to include too many discretionary foods which means too much saturated fat, added sugars, added salt and kilojoules at the expense of fibre and important nutrients. Take a look to these alpilean reviews.

Don’t skip breakfast?

Breakfast skippers are more likely to be tempted by unplanned discretionary choices during the morning and large serves at the next meal or snack. Just think of how yummy those large baked muffins look at morning tea if you’ve missed breakfast!

People who regularly eat a breakfast based on wholegrain cereal or bread, low fat milk or yogurt and maybe some fruit or vegetables are much more likely to be eating well and lose weight than those who skip breakfast. Learn more about metaboost connection.

Eat with other people not TV

We also know that people who eat with others and eat at the dining table, are more likely to eat regularly and eat well than those who eat alone or in front of the TV. Meals with others tend to include more foods from the five food groups. For example, people often report that they can’t be bothered cooking vegetables just for themselves.

Television watching is associated with eating more discretionary choices like take-away or convenience foods and fewer foods from the five foods. It also makes it much more difficult to recognise and respond to our body’s signals about hunger and satiety.

Good meal planning and making healthy choices can sometimes be tricky but a few useful tips can make it easier.

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KYSBSUG February 2011 – SBS 2011 Swing Migration

KYSBSUG February 2011 Meeting #84
Topic: Swing Migration
Presenter: Tim Barrett
Date: Wednesday February 16, 2011
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM Eastern
Venue: Money Concepts
Address: 323 Townepark Circle, Louisville, KY 40243
Map: Click here
Registration is NOT required for this meeting.


If you’ve been doing IT support in the SMB space for any amount of time, you’ve heard of a “Swing Migration” from and of Jeff Middleton [SBS-MVP]. In this meeting we’ll break down the steps of the SBS Migration process to give first-timers an idea of what to expect, and we’ll cover some of the gotchas to look out for and the best practices.

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Weather Woes and Siding Woes: Why Cutting Corners on Repairs Can Cost You Big

Living in a house is like living in a fort – it should be a place of comfort and security. But just like any fort, your home needs strong walls to keep out the invaders – in this case, the rain, sun, and wind that come with the weather. Your siding is your first line of defense, but harsh weather can leave it battered and bruised. Here’s why understanding how the weather affects your siding, and why hiring the best siding contractors is crucial, can save you money in the long run.

Weather’s Tantrum: A Multi-Hitter for Your Siding

The elements can throw a whole lot at your siding, each with its own destructive power:

Sun’s Scorching Temper: The relentless sun can be like a bully, fading and cracking your siding, especially if it’s made of lower-quality materials. This not only makes your house look worse, but it also weakens the siding’s ability to protect you from other weather woes.
Rain’s Persistent Drip, Drip, Drip: Heavy rain can be like a sneaky thief, exploiting any cracks or gaps in your siding to sneak in. This moisture intrusion can lead to mold growth, rot, and even structural damage – all problems that can cost a small fortune to fix.
Wind’s Furious Fists: Strong winds can be like a destructive prankster, ripping off siding panels, especially during storms. Loose siding creates openings for water to get in, exposing your home’s vulnerable interior to the elements.

DIY Danger Zone: Why Shortcuts Can Lead to a Bigger Bill

While patching up a small crack yourself might seem like a quick fix, it can be a gamble that ends up costing you more. Here’s why hiring top-notch siding contractors is the smarter financial move:

Expert Detectives: Experienced contractors are like CSI for your siding. They can identify weather-related damage with a keen eye and recommend the most effective solutions. They can also spot potential problems before they become major issues, saving you from a hefty repair bill down the road.
Flawless Installation is Key: Proper siding installation is like building a fort with perfect brickwork. Skilled contractors ensure the siding is installed flawlessly, creating a watertight seal that keeps leaks and drafts at bay. This level of expertise minimizes the risk of future weather damage, saving you money on repairs.
The Right Armor for the Right Battle: Different climates require different siding materials. Top contractors are like warriors who know the best weapons – they can recommend siding specifically designed to withstand the weather challenges of your region. This ensures your siding is built to last and protects your home for years to come.
Warranty as Your Shield: Reputable contractors offer warranties on their work and materials. This peace of mind translates to financial security, as you’re protected from unexpected repair costs within the warranty period.

Invest in Your Home’s Fortress

Hiring the best Calgary Siding installation service isn’t just about curb appeal; it’s about proactively protecting your investment. By prioritizing quality materials, expert installation, and preventative maintenance, you’re ensuring your home can weather any storm and remain a secure and comfortable haven for years to come. Think of it as a long-term investment in your home’s fort. The upfront cost of a professional is a small price to pay compared to the potential financial and structural damage caused by neglecting your siding.

So, don’t let the weather win the battle against your home. Schedule regular inspections, address weather-related issues promptly, and consider working with the best siding contractors in your area. Your home and your wallet will thank you for it.

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Videos – Free SBS 2011 Standard Training

The folks on the Windows Small Business Server team at Microsoft have recently released a batch of training videos called “Learning Bites”. These short videos (typically under 5 minutes each) focus in on specific tasks and demos on SBS 2011 Standard.

SBS 2011 Standard “Learning Bites” Videos

Title of Video Length Released
SBS 2011 – Overview 26:05 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Technical Decision Maker Overview 50:49 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Administrative Console 5:00 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Backup Wizard 4:57 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Computer Properties 3:45 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Connect Computer 2:43 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Connect to Internet Wizard (CTIW) 2:05 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Groups and User Roles 4:37 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Health Reporting 3:33 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Internet Address Management 4:06 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Remote Web Access (RWA) 3:15 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Using Remote Web Access (RWA) 3:16 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Storage 3:16 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Updates 3:59 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Users 4:22 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Security 2:30 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Shared Folders 4:12 01/14/2011


As additional videos are released, you can find them here:

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Whitepaper – SBS 2003 to 2011 Migration Doc

Whitepaper title: Migrate to Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard from Windows Small Business Server 2003
File name: SBS7_Migrate2003.doc
Date Published: 01/12/2011
Language: English
File size: 724 KB
Pages: 83
Version: 1.0
Download URL: Click here


This guide explains how to install Windows SBS 2011 Standard in Migration Mode on a new server, and then migrate the settings and data from the old server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003 to the new server that is running Windows SBS 2011 Standard. This guide also helps you demote and remove your old server from the network after you finish the migration process.

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How To Install SBS 2011 With A Bootable USB Drive

It seems like every release of Windows Small Business Server is bigger than the last, and SBS 2011 is no exception.  In fact, it’s downright HUGE! If you’ve downloaded the SBS 2011 Standard ISO from TechNet or MSDN, you’ve probably noticed that it’s actually too large to burn with a conventional DVD drive:

Sizes of ISO images for installing SBS 2003 R2, SBS 2008 and SBS 2011

Obviously, if you’re installing SBS 2011 as a Hyper-V child, downloading a 6.35 GB ISO straight onto the Hyper-V parent OS is no big deal. But if you want to install SBS 2011 on bare metal, you’ll probably need a bootable USB drive.

Here are the instructions on how to create your own bootable USB flash drive from scratch for installation of SBS 2011 Standard.

What you’ll need:

Update 2011/01/10 – As Kendall Morrison reminded me, your Windows PC needs to be running a 64-bit OS when you do this.

The demo environment.

For the purposes of this walkthrough, here are the drive letters on my Win7 PC:

  • The 6.35 GB SBS 2011 ISO is sitting in a folder on drive D:
  • The ISO will be mounted using Virtual CloneDrive in drive G:
  • The bootable USB drive will be drive H:

A Windows Explorer view of the drives on my Win7 PC

Go ahead and insert your USB flash drive, if you haven’t done so already.

Below is my drive layout in Disk Management.

A Disk Management view of the drives on my Win7 PC

Obviously, your drive letters will be different.


  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the SBS 2011 ISO and mount it.
    Mount the ISO as a virtual drive (I'm using Virtual CloneDrive)
    Close the AutoPlay window (if one pops up).
  2. From the Start Menu, open an Administrative Command Prompt.
    Open the Command Prompt using Run as Administrator
  3. At the command prompt, type:

    DISKPART (hit Enter)

    LIST DISK (hit Enter)

    Open DiskPart and view the drives in your system

  4. Locate your USB flash drive in the list (mine is Disk 3).

    Type the following commands (hitting Enter after each one):

    SELECT DISK 3 (or whatever your USB disk number is)







    Select the Disk, clean it, partition it, make it active, format it, and assign it a letter

  5. At this point, AutoPlay will probably pop up and tell you that a new disk was found which matches the drive letter of your USB flash drive.

    You can close the AutoPlay window

    Close the AutoPlay window (if one pops up).

  6. Back in the Command Prompt, type the following:

    EXIT (hit Enter)

    DiskPart will finish, but leave the Command Prompt window open.

    Exiting DiskPart

  7. Next we need to make the USB drive bootable. Type the following commands (hitting Enter after each one):

    G: (G: is my mounted SBS 2011 ISO drive)


    BOOTSECT.EXE /NT60 H: (H: is my USB drive)

    Command prompt instructions for making the disk bootable
    Close the Command Prompt window.

  8. Now we need to copy the install bits from the ISO to the flash drive:

    Open the mounted SBS 2011 ISO drive (which is drive G: for me)

    Highlight and copy all of the contents of the SBS 2011 drive.

    Copy the SBS 2011 installation files from the mounted ISO

    Paste the contents into the root of the USB drive (which is H: for me)

    Right-click the USB drive and paste the SBS 2011 installation files into the root

    The file copy will take a while (about 5-10 minutes), depending on the speed of your USB flash drive.

    File copy is complete

  9. Once the file copy is complete, safely eject the USB flash drive from your Windows PC and physically remove it.
    Eject the USB flash drive
  10. Unmount the ISO of SBS 2011 (which is drive G: for me)
    Unmount the ISO of SBS 2011 Standard

Now you just need to insert the bootable USB flash drive into your physical SBS 2011 box, set the boot option in the BIOS to boot from USB, and start the installation on the bare metal. Happy installing!

Props: blog

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Free Windows Small Business Server 2011 Training

Complete one of these Windows Small Business Server 2011 courses between now and January 26, 2011 and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a Windows Phone 7 or an Xbox Kinect sensor.

Windows SBS 2011 Standard Technical Training:

Note: You will need a Microsoft Partner ID credentials to log onto the training site to view this content.

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